biography Che Guevara: behind the myth, the truth
True to its ethics, Stories and Polemics intends to break the image of the imposter known leftist Che. Impostor? Yes, because for nearly 40 years, makes us believe in the goodness and honesty of this type. The reality is, of course, any other!
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born in Argentina in 1929 into a bourgeois family in Argentina. After toying with the hope of being an engineer, he went into medicine in 1947 and will be nursing in 1951 on military cargo. In
1952, he toured South America by motorcycle, with a companion. Out of this journey 53 years later, the movie Motorcycle Diaries, turnips all ailments of the planet will idolize and put it in their DVD library alongside Farenlie 9 / 11 films or "policies" of George Clooney.
But it was also during this trip that Che will discover, in his words, poverty and socialism: it will then break with his family and reject the values of his golden youth.
In 1953, he graduated in medicine (although this is questioned) and part in Mexico. Here he is presented in June 1955 in a Raul Castro. A month later he met his brother Fidel. Che Castro falls in awe and he will stateless souls and without asking any questions until the end.
On 2 December 1956, troops landed Castro brothers in Cuba. Che is of course the trip and he will quickly become the master of the province of Las Villas. Probably too quickly. Jealous of his success too fast, Fidel Castro will soon return to earth the young Argentine. It does not allow him to enter first in Havana: Camille Cienfungos is less charismatic who will. Che cash, as it will collect the latest death accidental (If one believes the official account of Havana) of the same Cienfungos and life imprisonment of his friend Matos.
During this "illegal" before the takeover, Che is remarkable for its brutality. As reported by Stephane Courtois in The Black Book of Communism, it will, for example, enforce a kid who committed the heinous crime of stealing a little food.
In 1960, he went back in the USSR and dazzled. The idyll did not last, but this visit will reinforce the its radicalism.
can blame many things to Guevara but not its ability to armed struggle. In 1961, he participated with success Battle of the Bay of Pigs, Cuba foiling the attempted landing of the CIA to restore a more democratic regime in the island.
But the crisis of Russian missiles will be shattered some of his illusions. Seeing that the USSR does not go after his confrontation with Kennedy, rejecting nuclear war (!), Che turn from their former allies. With the hatred of the disappointed lover, he begins to feel sorry for this timidity and then spreads to more and more about violence against the USSR. Afro-Asian conference in Algiers in 1965, he bluntly insult the representatives Russian.
It is becoming embarrassing for Castro decided to send him to Africa.
Meanwhile, Che had overwhelming responsibilities on the island. He was responsible for the La Cabana prison where he will acquire a new nickname: el carnicerito, small butcher. Indeed, the idol of sores will oversee the execution of 200 opponents. Shooting down relentlessly, Che puts all its energy from the February 3, 1959 to eradicate all opposition. But in addition to all these murders of states, it performs mock executions, torture, moral services like transferring 40 hours prisoners without water, without food, without sleep. FYI, the Wikipedia notes, yet complimentary, she speaks from 55 to 550 people!
course, Che is not alone in this repressive policy. Raul Castro boasts of having shot 68 people in one day to the east. But vital link in the chain, Che is one of the most convinced, most fanatics. For him the prosecution must be flawless, without pity. Thus he writes
February 5, 1959 "The performances are not only a necessity for the people of Cuba but also a duty imposed by this people." Seen from this angle, there was still struggling to understand the aura that some alternative world to weave such an assassin. In the same vein, the Cuban press incorporates the ideas of Che with titles such as "executions avoid more blood" or "suspend executions would irritate people." A great admirer of the Terror of 1793, Guevara can only approve a relentless repression.
One might think, naively, that such killings would be a mistake of youth. But in 1964, confirmed and signed: "We shot and shoot us as it takes. Our fight is a fight to the death. "
Ernesto Guevara was also the instigator of the Cuban system of forced labor camps, having created the first of these to Guanahacabibes to "reeducate" the opponents of the Cuban revolution. For Debray "It is he, and not that Fidel was invented in 1960 in the Peninsula Guanaha, the first corrective labor camp"
But overseeing the Cabana is not his only involvement in policy Island. It also has economic responsibilities. His socialist policies of agrarian reform, land pooling and eradication private property is a total failure. The army controls everything, including the distribution of seedlings, but at the same time, the deficit is multiplied by 26! The objective of Che was that the island is completely self-sufficient. In 1965, he returned to the monoculture of sugarcane. Cuba became an island on a drip, surviving only with the help of the fraternal countries. Guevara despised money but do not live in a less deprived areas richest in Havana.
Increasingly embarrassed Castro decides to get rid of Che. He sends the word singing revolutionary in Africa and Bolivia. To burn the ships of her ex-boyfriend, he read a strange letter in which Che relinquish all responsibilities in Cuba. Strange as questionable, though some passages are pure Guevara, others seem to be dictated downright rewritten. Anyway, Che is collapsed when he learned that his letter was to be posthumously was made public by Castro.
probably goes he finally realize that the hangman of Cuba has manipulated for years?
In Congo, it tries to establish an effective guerrilla war but faced with malaria, men totally ineffective (which absorbs a drug that makes them "invincible") and inter-ethnic conflicts between Congolese and Rwandan militants, the expedition was a failure. Always so elegant, he believes he runs "an army of parasites. It was during this journey he meets African Kabyle Desire, another great Marxist assassin. Birds of a feather ...
It will fail more in Bolivia, where he meets his "fighters" foreign like Regis Debray. Again, he tried to organize guerrilla lighting "one, two, three Vietnam" but abandoned by everyone, including farmers that is supposed to represent, Che was ambushed and was killed October 9, 1967.
Castro seized then the image of his former companion and makes a kind of political martyr. The sores and the gauchos of the entire planet out of Messiah will then do the rest: hide all the negative actions of this vulgar psychopath evacuate his disastrous economic policy and raise the status of icon.
trade will then have to do the rest. That's why thousands of pimply morons congregate with the portrait of their idol, usually just by knowing his name. It is true that knowing the real Che would require a minimum of their culture and work.
Che is therefore ultimately a vulgar puppet Castro true torturer, a murderer and a bully. It failed almost everywhere, ruining the lives of thousands of Cubans. His "cult" is not indecent. He is best proof that ignorance and stupidity unfortunately lead a world gone totally blind.
Note that in December 2006, the magazine Historia wrote a record done relatively well in order to "enhance" the real Che. A must read!
(This article has already been the subject of a note on the blog neoconservative thought)