On 1 August 1944, the Polish resistance launches largest internal insurrection against a German army. Two months later, Warsaw is in ruins. Thousands of Polish civilians and soldiers have died. Stalin, however, a few kilometers from the capital left to do. The allies occupied the western front and already tempted by the false promises of Stalin have almost no attempt to intervene.
note, there is no question here of gettho Jewish uprising, which took place in 1943, but resistance during 60 days of the city's population, represented by a legitimate government but in exile. The consequences of this tragedy to understand certain features of our contemporary era and the recent history of Poland
all starts on 1 August 1944 to 17 hours. Hitler learned the revolt that evening. It instructs the SS General Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski to crush the city to "kill people, take no hostages. Warsaw is to be completely shaved, to serve as a chilling example to all Europe "(Dixit Hitler himself)
Who are the insurgents? Members of the Army of the Interior (Armia Krajowa, AK) as well as civilians and other clandestine organizations. The AK was the Polish government in exile (recall that Poles participated in the Normandy landings). They were poorly equipped: some thousands of rifles, pistols and machine guns and grenades around 25,000 (mostly manufactured in sweatshops). Approximately 40,000 combatants were counted. The Germans opposed them 16,000 soldiers and 25,000 who arrived as reinforcements as well as aviation and tanks. The fighting was all the more disproportionate.
The AK does not recognize the Polish Committee of National Liberation is a communist. She wants to liberate Poland or at least influence the negotiations after the war. The exiled Polish leaders know very well that the Kremlin leader has not only ideas Democratic head. They will not listen.
What situation in August 44
On the western front, the landing was successful, but the allies are still stuck in Normandy. Patton has not yet managed his breakthrough. On the western front, the Red Army just suffered a major defeat near Warsaw on 29-31 July. Stalin preferred to then concentrate on the Rumanian front. At that time, the Soviet army was able to completely suppress the Germans from their territory. In Germany, Hitler has just escaped an assassination attempt.
The allies manage to drop aid supplies and ammunition on 4 and 5 August. But Stalin refused airfields that serve as bases of Ukraine to the U.S. military: no airlift so! The support will stop there. 6, Stalin gave the order to stop its divisions in Poland. The insurgents are now alone. On 10 September, the Germans launched a powerful offensive against the city-.
The cons-German attacks in August had been 40 000 deaths, particularly in the working class district of Wola. SS comb the city, aided by former Soviet soldiers went to the collaboration. On 16 September the army refuses to use red his artillery to save what could be. Two weeks later, the AK capitulated. The Battle of Warsaw was 220 000 deaths (about 40,000 insurgents and 180,000 civilians). On the German side, there were 17 000 deaths. From October 2, add 50 to 60 000 deportations. Warsaw is destroyed at 80%!
It begs several questions. Why did Stalin refused to help the AK. Just to have a free hand in Poland and have that resistant "friends." The elimination of the AK enabled him to place his pawns. A victory of the AK would have to drive a wedge important in its strategy to hold on to Eastern Europe for the Poles in exile were allied with the Americans and they wanted to take the Red Army to speed. The refusal to help is therefore a cynical political strategy but quite in line with Stalin.
the Allied side, it is clear that the dropping of the insurgents was a serious political mistake. On the one hand the British Government who, initially, supported the AK was surprised by the offensive began that he felt ill-prepared (which, unfortunately, was true, the AK had under- Estimated Army German). Quickly, and despite calls for Churchill, London, dissented from the AK. For Roosevelt, it was out of question to bring back Stalin. The two armies, taken in a race to Berlin, were in competition. Roosevelt, moreover, believed in Stalin's promises on democratic elections in the liberated territories. We know he did not. One can even wonder about the blindness of Roosevelt meet Stalin. Why is this man who from the beginning of the crisis, has pushed his country toward war in Europe, did not see coming dictatorship of the Iron Curtain? The
defeat the insurgents is both an honor but also a Polish black page to the allies. In their defense, it is true, too busy in the West, it was difficult for them to send troops on a massive scale in Poland. Stalin is therefore an overwhelming responsibility, but it is not the only one.
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