(For this article, I am inspired by the small QSJ Philip Conrad, La reconquista (No. 3287) and my personal notes).
La Reconquista is not a war like any other. It is a successful attempt and many centuries of many peoples to recover a space conquered by another religion. For Jacques
Peres (Isabella and Ferdinand, the Catholic Kings of Spain, Ed Fayard, 1988), the Reconquista is built around an ideal, an idea: redo the peninsula a Christian land. He added that he "never had an armistice general, only peace or partial agreements "
But first things first: The
Visigothic kingdom in 700 years is in crisis, moral crisis, a crisis of succession, rivalry between the big, bad harvests, plague.
Meanwhile, across the Mediterranean, North Africa has been fully understood by Islam in 707. The dynamic Muslim swept in a few decades old Christian societies of Africa, the Byzantine Empire lost vast territories. But Europe does not yet see the danger.
In Spain, the arrival of King Roderick will crystallize his opposition to the heirs of Witiza. He then call for help to Musa bin Tariq bin Ziyad and Nusayr.
They then land with 400 fighters. But their idea is not that of Rodrigue.
In July 711, was defeated by Tariq Witiza Rio Guadalete. Muslim troops are then conquer territories to Toledo where they were joined by Ben Musa Nusayr.
In 714, the peninsula is taken completely, except the north-west where the refuge strips of Visigothic Spain. The son of
Witiza accept domination because it allows them to keep their land. By cons, and unlike to a persistent legend, English Jews were quickly subjected to harassment important.
Overall, the Spaniards accept domination. Byzantium was already coming (and distributed) and although less is known about Islam, we think we can do it. The
soubressauts of the Muslim empire in the eighth century will enable Al Andalus to become an independent state with Al Rahman Abd.
In the ninth century, the situation will change. New converts revolt in Toledo, Merida, Cordoba. These cities will be partially demolished by the Emir al-Hakam-1. You should know that "Muslim immigration" was not the most important and the forced conversions were numerous. Some choose to stay Visigoth Christians are called Mozarabic.
In addition, after the death of Al-Mansur, the scourge of the year one thousand, that shook the Christian Europe, Al Andalus is disintegrate into several entities. The unit is broken, Spain becomes more fragile.
But resistance started at the conquest of 711. Pelayo, a noble Visigoth took refuge in the north. Moreover, the stir, Poitiers shows that Muslims are not invincible.
But this resistance during three centuries, can be effective against a united state and organized. Thrust under Charlemagne Carolingian (the famous battle of Roncesvalles, which is actually a trap due to Gascon) and Louis the Pious can nibble the north of Al Andalus, but the Christian defeat of 865 to Morcuera shows the difficulty of the company.
Until the beginning of the eleventh century, the advantage is to Muslims. He has undisputed leaders and frightening as Al-Mansur (who will plunder St Jacques de Compostela) or Abd-al-Malik (who took CLUSIO). Intolerance of Al-Mansur will force Jews and Mozarabic to take refuge in the English Steps.
But Sancho of Leon, Christians take the initiative and force the Muslim states of northern tribe to pay them.
In 1065, the massacre of Christians in Al-Barbastro Mugtadir Zaragoza fears of a Muslim attack against a large scale.
But this reaction was short-lived, despite the victory Almoravids (Berber) from 1086 to Zacalla.
From the twelfth century, the benefits of the reconquista ideology of the crusade, a crusade that is more successful in the Holy Land.
Thrust Christian is so irresistible, but it will sometimes fail to settlers to repopulate the conquered territories. Thus
Cordova was taken briefly in 1146 but the arrival of the Almohad in 1170 restored parity for 40 years.
In 1212, it is the Christian victory of Las Navas de Tolosa. In 1229, the Almohad empire no longer exists in Spain. Leone, Castilians, Portuguese, Aragonese, Navarrese, French people are now united. The balance of power, thus they are largely favorable.
In 1236, Cordoba is taken, the mosque became a church. There remains only the kingdom of Granada. It will
more than two centuries to reduce, with a long procession of victories and defeats on both others.
In 1488-1492, Isabella of Castile led the last war of Granada. The city has taken a few months before the departure of Columbus to America.
The reconquista is complete.
For the Arab chronicler Ibn Iyzas is a disaster as the loss of Al Andalus.
In 2007, Al Qaeda still claims Al Andalus as part of the Dar Al Islam. The Madrid bombings of 2004 in this direction. But political correctness prevents us from seeing it.
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