I swear, I become hopelessly sentimental with age ...
So I officially denies the rumors that want me to be dead, that my blog is buried and that Tom Cruise is gay ... uh sorry, I digress :-) )
I'm fine, but strikes combined with fatigue, more hours in my crazy great job of hostess were right these last days of my motivation to write ... I found my ticket invalid and not funny, I was unable to publish them, I would rewrite 1000 times short, the anxiety among the white keyboard blogger lambda ...
Also some have worried about the repercussions of the case littlefrench on me ... So, no, I am neither judge nor victim nor party ...
I will answer all and this blog will be reborn more than before boooo !!!!!!!!!!
hum ... I turn me on a little ... at the same time, we enter the Christmas season ... So gifts! (gift wrapping, including z'avez? Ok ok I go pfffffff)
short thank you a thousand times, I'll get back to reading blogs because I'm going to p ***** shit so I missed of stuff ... and then I have lots to tell and lots of photos to show you ( Cél , forgive me for neglecting your beautiful city ...)!
To whet your palate, I give you the stupidity of my last cat psychopath ... who has nightmares at night and tends to plow me neck when he awoke with a start !!!!!!!!