Hello! Last
quick post before the weekend which continued for some days I go in my hometown of Montpelier.
I take a brief moment of respite for you with a recipe taken from Cook Jamie Oliver and is really very simple as I did tonight for the first time .. I was very happy with the result . A flat "No Mess, healthy and good."
Finding myself with a zucchini that I wanted of course not waste, but not having much time to cook for all that, I remembered that Jamie gave some simple recipes in Cook - probably my favorite cookbook ..- on how to cook zucchini . According to him, perfectly combine the zucchini with olive oil, garlic and mint ...
You Will need ... (for one)
1 zucchini medium
1 small clove garlic
Juice of one lemon
Salt, pepper and cayenne pepper
2 seconds and it's ready!
Start by cutting your zucchini and thin slices, keeping the skin.
Cut garlic into small pieces.
Heat your pan with olive oil and add garlic. Allow to brown for 2 minutes and add zucchini. After 3 minutes of cooking, when almost ready, add lemon juice, season and stop the fire.
Stir again for 2 minutes and it's ready!
having almost nothing to me, I served with the fusilli with zucchini e Cecco and parmesan ... What a treat!
Good evening