Monday, October 22, 2007

Mortgage 365/360 Payment Calculator

The Efferalgan does not protect against STDs

Here you wonder what am I going to tell with a title so stupid!)

some might believe that the job of hostess is con, no, boring as a French film ...

OF have no reason ...

However, sometimes, through my dissolute life (in alcohol) , there is a way to laugh !

Some time ago, I was sick : total, runny nose, watery eyes, scratchy throat and a sudden urge to fuck off to the world ... In addition
that day it was raining ...

On any say it was a really crappy day! On any

would still be right!

So I was a hostess at my post in my super bozo the clown cutter, with my 12 packets of tissues and I threw my cocker looks hot tea, hoping to appear St Jépumal (the throat)

... Because the Holy slow to appear despite my incantations, I pull out my makeup kit to extract an Efferalgan

... At this moment a guest arrives, handsome, dashing their fifties who asks to see Mrs. MachinChose .

After calling Madam, I put my glass of water before me and I take great Efferalgan supposed to deliver me from evil (amen.. ) in its little pouch, I begin to try to open it when I notice that the client looks at me with round eyes ...

He looks at me, look at my hands,
I look and see my hands ... ...

to discover with amazement that what I'm trying to open is not a Efferalgan but condom ...

There then follows a blank where the second you seem very very long.

I put hastily subject the crime in that makeup kit and I feel a big crisis of laughter that starts pushing me, the customer can not hide a smile 12 km long and pretended to be absorbed in the contemplation of plants ...

Then Ms.

MachinChose arrives to deliver us both (evil, but we submit to temptation ...)

On no sounds like a terribly embarrassing situation! On any

will close its mouth because it starts to get tired wick ...

An hour later, the client hand and (re) passed me, Madam MachinChose he recommends using his umbrella saw the ropes that keep falling ...

At this point, it turns to me and said with a wink:

"Sure, go out covered ..."

The moral of this story: (is that men ...) I must learn to keep my business!

The moral of this moral is that I will make a trial Durex (sed lex ... I bless the people who understand this rotten pun! ) and / or Efferalgan because you really do not find that these packages are alike!

The moral of morality which has nothing moral If I go to Efferalgan a crucial time with a charming young man ... he may be thinking that I have some weird sexual mores not ?

note dedication to Sunday morning when
Efferalgant and condoms were both very useful ...


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