Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dragon Ball Doujinshi Gohan Bulma

two apples to Jamie Oliver

I'm back and feeling great!

I had the pleasure last week to invite to dinner my cousin Sophie who comes to study in Paris at the Lycée Saint Louis which I am myself former student. It was a long time ago already .. in 2003! Welcome to Paris, I decided to prepare a small meal "welcome" a beef stroganoff version of Jamie Oliver. It was delicious!

You Will Need ..

300g beef fillet
300g wild mushrooms
1 clove garlic 1 red onion
2 tablespoons of cream
a small piece of butter
zest a lemon parsley
salt, pepper

First cook garlic and red onion in a skillet with 1 tablespoon of olive oil for 10 minutes. Pour the browned onions and garlic in a bowl.

Meanwhile, cut the meat into fairly thin pieces and coat with salt, pepper and paprika. Return the pan to the fire with a good dose of olive oil and add mushrooms. After a few minutes, add the meat. Add the parsley, onions and butter.

After a few minutes, stir the mixture of lemon zest and cream.

Ready! Serve with rice or penne is delicious ...


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