Sunday, February 27, 2011

Maculopapular Rash Hiv In Blacks

Full success for the premiere of the national week of alternating higher Lorraine

More than 200 students moved February 24, 2011 to meet with companies recruiting in alternation and formalize their career plans at the forum linked terminating the national week alternation in Nancy.
It should be noted that they were well prepared in advance by a week of workshops organized by AFIJ BAIP universities and Lorraine.

The objectives were to inform students about opportunities for apprenticeships or vocational higher education (from tray to tray + 2 + 5) and facilitate reconciliation between youth and recruiting companies in alternation.

Large companies came in number ( Axa Batigère, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole Lorraine, Dalkia, Decathlon, Délipapier, EDF, ERDF, La Banque Postale, Lidl, Manuloc, Rte, SNCF, Socam, Suez - Lyonnaise des Eaux, Veolia ) showed a real satisfaction. This forum enabled them to discover patterns that meet their needs.
training centers for apprentices (CFA) that accompanied the companies were able to present their activities to interested students.

DEMONET Laurence, Vice-President the Lorraine region, recalled that the alternation is a major asset for the economic development of the Lorraine.
Francis LAWRENCE, President of the INPL, representing NEAR University of Lorraine, has confirmed the involvement of the university will continue to promote degrees in rotation.

Device win for all stakeholders, youth, businesses and territories, the alternation has a bright future!
Go to the next edition in 2012!

AFIJ: Cecile Louvet - wolf (at)
Service HELP (University of Nancy II ) SCUIO (at)
Service TOMORROW (University Henri Poincaré): SCUIO (at)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Irregular Heartbeat Monitors

More than 500 students and graduates experiencing accompanied by disability in 2010 AFIJ

More half of new recipients of this action was placed on the AFIJ following communication operations conducted directly by AFIJ (AFIJ Websites:, campaign for access to rights, Employment Days Handicap internship, participation in Forum
...). The other youths were informed or guided by partners AFIJ: missions disability education institutions, partners, community leaders, etc..
AFIJ The operator is the "Action for Employment of Disabled Students" of AGEFIPH in 4 regions: Alsace, Ile de France Languedoc-Roussillon and Rhone-Alpes together total nearly half the student youth ...
In Rhone Alps, with support from the ESF, other young disabled job seekers for over a year, have received assistance in finding employment, training or patronage.
These actions are aimed at students and recent graduates (less than a year) with disabilities.
The coaching of AFIJ aims to enable every young access to an internship at a sandwich course or a first experience (CSD, CTT or CDI), housing related professionals. In 2010, 308 youth have benefited from a positive solution.
In addition, all relays AFIJ welcome young people with disabilities in all other regions in the context of collective action: reception, information center, training modules on job search techniques , offers consulting, participation in professional interfaces, etc..

Contact: Laura Dagorne - Dagorne (at) AFIJ (dot) org

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Road Test In Wayne Nj...

Experience associative

2011 is the Year of the Volunteer and volunteering. Beyond the speeches, the specific question of taking into account commitments of youth associations by recruiters is one of the issues. It is complex because there are big differences between the associative experiences. This complexity is related to the different status of young people (volunteers, volunteers, directors of the association), and the nature of their activities (Scouts, volunteers Red Cross or Afev, hosts of a theater, sports coaches a junior team, etc.. ).
Other factors come into play in recruitment. There is a significant difference between the networks Fame (Red Cross, Scouts, sports clubs, etc..) And associations that have sometimes initials "anonymous" and an original practice. The personal commitment of recruiters play, and it is natural to take into account the associative experiences during the job interview.
For the young, an experience Associative boils most often by a line on a resume. Behind it lurk content, time spent, responsibilities exercised, etc.. On this point, the certification by the association, one way or another, activity conducted, responsibilities occupied, is a practical and indispensable.
Read the rest of this article in the latest issue of potential the letter recruiters of graduates.
Contact: Daniel Lamar - Lamar (at)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Flucloxacillin And Chest Infection

1000 students participated in the SOS Training Days in Paris

The AFIJ, with support from the City of Paris, organized two days to facilitate SOS Stage access to training courses for students of Paris and the Ile-de-France does not have an enabling environment and a favorable relationship to obtaining an internship.

Day of February 3, 2011, enabled over 450 youths in the Paris research internship experience recruiters for interviews of the 10 companies listed below: Afigec, Axeria Life, Arrow ECS, Group President of Finance, Tep Group, Ipsos France, Mairie de Paris, Mixing Club, Razel, Regus.

On the day of the SOS Workshop February 10th, 2011, it was possible to meet recruiters for interviews of 15 companies: ACXIO, Alinea, B-Flower, Buzzeo, Office Assouad Commission Army Kids Connection Ethik, Global Automotive Services, Groupama, Groupe Ares, General Financial Group, Lebara, Mairie de Paris, Pro Distribution, Visiware. Over 550 students participated internship search this second edition.

During these two days, AFIJ proposed a display of internship opportunities in parallel stands held by companies. She wanted to cover the widest possible sectors and positions offered to meet the vast majority of young people present that day. Over 150 internship offers were collected in various areas on the day of the forum.

The AFIJ organize in 2011 days SOS Stage in several university towns. Please not to participate because they offer recruiters the opportunity to diversify their recruitment of students by allowing them to meet a variety of profiles and qualified.
Contact: Agnes Mercier - Mercier (at)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mondeo Mk3 Outside Temperature Incorrect

Dating Jobs - testimonials

The AFIJ holds regular meetings that bring together pre-recruitment graduates of potentially exposed to discrimination and recruiters around skilled jobs. The concept of such an appointment, just baptized " Dating Improbable" is to convince companies to give a specific date and within a particular space, recruitment interviews for positions in real troubled youth with the required profile .

To illustrate these events, volunteers AFIJ Toulouse have made a video at the meetings of November 25, 2010 where recruiters and graduates testify. Preview:
Testimony of Geraldine Santanach - responsible for recruitment Logica

Contact: Agnes Mercier - Mercier (at)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Braces For 17 Year Old

Meurthe et Moselle: discrimination territorial debate

In Nancy, held a conference AFIJ debate on " Promoting diversity in the workplace: Discrimination Territorial priority neighborhoods, rural areas? How to integrate this dimension in CSR? "(09/11/10).

Around a nice breakfast we sought to address these issues with stakeholders present:
  • Naouel AMAR , Deputy Director AFIJ (difficulties and specificities of youth living in priority neighborhood, stereotypes and brakes)
  • Claude MALO, Head of the Mission Locale de Verdun (difficulties and specificities of rural youth, stereotypes and brakes)
  • Bruno Gâtinois , counselor job center (aiding and abetting the hiring of young people, a way of fighting against this discrimination)
  • Agnes MERCIER , head of corporate relations AFIJ National ("CSR" and recommendations to combat discrimination against
The term "Corporate Social Responsibility is used to emphasize the multidimensional nature of the process. CSR is not just a social approach, but tries to reconcile the economic, social and environmental.
For example, it includes aspects such as the business contribution to sustainable development, prevention of discrimination. Promoting diversity in the company is putting in place policies for recruitment and management of careers open to anyone, according to their skills, and without distinction as to age, disability, gender, Racial and ethnic origin, appearance, religion and beliefs, or sexual orientation. The conference discussion was supported by the European Social Fund and was conducted on the premises of Promotech CIS.
Contact: Cecile Louvet - wolf (at) AFIJ (dot) org

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pokemon For The Ti 84

Loire Valley: Visit the IKEA

team AFIJ Indre-et-Loire accompanied the 27.01.2011 a group of 11 young , from higher education (students and young graduates), during a company visit to IKEA . Hosted by Clemence Lebreton, HR Assistant at IKEA, the company visit took place within the company itself. 11 young people enrolled in AFIJ Indre-et-Loire or AFIJ Loir-et-Cher, attended. It began with the presentation of the Swedish group (history, group development, collections and products, organization, business, culture and company values ...) and how it was then on undergraduate recruitment by visiting the company, illustrated by testimony (vendor exhibition, vendor self-service employee credit union, employee logistics, restaurant employee).
The company visits allow students or recent graduates to learn about the culture, jobs and recruitment methods of a business.
Contact: Christine Fresneau -

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Female Stripper Films

Tours Program Volunteer and Skills led by Animafac advance.

This program aims to help voluntary student associations to enhance their involvement in associations in seeking employment following studies.
Animafac proposes to do to association leaders to attend a training day during where they are, among others, aware of the use of Portfolio and skills developed, then they have the opportunity to present these skills to human resource managers.
This desire to help student volunteers to better find their first job reaches the goal of AFIJ facilitate the professional integration of young people from higher education.
So naturally AFIJ Animafac partner is to organize all the events in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse and Bordeaux, which will allow these students to meet companies interested in their profile.
Animafac: Bastien Engelbach - bengelbach (at)
AFIJ: Christian Darantiere - Darantiere (at)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Central Canal Or Foramen Stenosis

Savoy: The AFIJ CPAM and signed a partnership agreement.

For several years, AFIJ Chambery participates in recruitment of staff for the Fund Primary Health Insurance of Savoy for items such administrative agent, responsible for communication service, etc. ...
The CPAM participates in events organized by AFIJ employment on the territory of Savoy. A meeting was also organized on the neighborhood of Aix les Bains where CPAM Savoy has presented its operations, its services, its methods of recruitment and vacancies from a fifteen person.
The human resources manager receives some of whom are recent graduates with disabilities in service for a trade, employment or placements to be filled, because the CPAM emphasizes diversity in its recruitment of young graduates.
In 2010 a partnership agreement was signed to formalize this relationship.
In 2011, AFIJ continues to participate in the recruitment process of the CPAM, a new wave of posts is vacant.
Contact: Stéphane PAYSAC - paysac (at) .