2011 is the Year of the Volunteer and volunteering. Beyond the speeches, the specific question of taking into account commitments of youth associations by recruiters is one of the issues. It is complex because there are big differences between the associative experiences. This complexity is related to the different status of young people (volunteers, volunteers, directors of the association), and the nature of their activities (Scouts, volunteers Red Cross or Afev, hosts of a theater, sports coaches a junior team, etc.. ).
Other factors come into play in recruitment. There is a significant difference between the networks Fame (Red Cross, Scouts, sports clubs, etc..) And associations that have sometimes initials "anonymous" and an original practice. The personal commitment of recruiters play, and it is natural to take into account the associative experiences during the job interview.
For the young, an experience Associative boils most often by a line on a resume. Behind it lurk content, time spent, responsibilities exercised, etc.. On this point, the certification by the association, one way or another, activity conducted, responsibilities occupied, is a practical and indispensable.
Other factors come into play in recruitment. There is a significant difference between the networks Fame (Red Cross, Scouts, sports clubs, etc..) And associations that have sometimes initials "anonymous" and an original practice. The personal commitment of recruiters play, and it is natural to take into account the associative experiences during the job interview.
For the young, an experience Associative boils most often by a line on a resume. Behind it lurk content, time spent, responsibilities exercised, etc.. On this point, the certification by the association, one way or another, activity conducted, responsibilities occupied, is a practical and indispensable.
Contact: Daniel Lamar - Lamar (at) afij.org
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