Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Braces For 17 Year Old

Meurthe et Moselle: discrimination territorial debate

In Nancy, held a conference AFIJ debate on " Promoting diversity in the workplace: Discrimination Territorial priority neighborhoods, rural areas? How to integrate this dimension in CSR? "(09/11/10).

Around a nice breakfast we sought to address these issues with stakeholders present:
  • Naouel AMAR , Deputy Director AFIJ (difficulties and specificities of youth living in priority neighborhood, stereotypes and brakes)
  • Claude MALO, Head of the Mission Locale de Verdun (difficulties and specificities of rural youth, stereotypes and brakes)
  • Bruno Gâtinois , counselor job center (aiding and abetting the hiring of young people, a way of fighting against this discrimination)
  • Agnes MERCIER , head of corporate relations AFIJ National ("CSR" and recommendations to combat discrimination against
The term "Corporate Social Responsibility is used to emphasize the multidimensional nature of the process. CSR is not just a social approach, but tries to reconcile the economic, social and environmental.
For example, it includes aspects such as the business contribution to sustainable development, prevention of discrimination. Promoting diversity in the company is putting in place policies for recruitment and management of careers open to anyone, according to their skills, and without distinction as to age, disability, gender, Racial and ethnic origin, appearance, religion and beliefs, or sexual orientation. The conference discussion was supported by the European Social Fund and was conducted on the premises of Promotech CIS.
Contact: Cecile Louvet - wolf (at) AFIJ (dot) org


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