Thursday, February 24, 2011

Irregular Heartbeat Monitors

More than 500 students and graduates experiencing accompanied by disability in 2010 AFIJ

More half of new recipients of this action was placed on the AFIJ following communication operations conducted directly by AFIJ (AFIJ Websites:, campaign for access to rights, Employment Days Handicap internship, participation in Forum
...). The other youths were informed or guided by partners AFIJ: missions disability education institutions, partners, community leaders, etc..
AFIJ The operator is the "Action for Employment of Disabled Students" of AGEFIPH in 4 regions: Alsace, Ile de France Languedoc-Roussillon and Rhone-Alpes together total nearly half the student youth ...
In Rhone Alps, with support from the ESF, other young disabled job seekers for over a year, have received assistance in finding employment, training or patronage.
These actions are aimed at students and recent graduates (less than a year) with disabilities.
The coaching of AFIJ aims to enable every young access to an internship at a sandwich course or a first experience (CSD, CTT or CDI), housing related professionals. In 2010, 308 youth have benefited from a positive solution.
In addition, all relays AFIJ welcome young people with disabilities in all other regions in the context of collective action: reception, information center, training modules on job search techniques , offers consulting, participation in professional interfaces, etc..

Contact: Laura Dagorne - Dagorne (at) AFIJ (dot) org


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